Benefits of Teaching English Online

Some numerous advantages come along with teaching English online for licensed professionals as well as non-professional educators alike. Home-based online teaching should allow you to schedule lessons around your own daily agendas. Apart from the freedom to set your own schedule according to the available teaching hours, here are other benefits that you will surely enjoy.

Potential to Earn Huge Salary

With few overhead costs such as a stable internet connection, a laptop or personal computer, a built-in or stand-alone webcam, a headset with a microphone, and quiet space, there is no need to constantly upgrade on the equipment and services. The only additional expenditures that may come along the way are when the equipment begins to depreciate which may require some replacement.

To give you an idea, here is a breakdown of how teaching with Acadsoc can help you boost your income given the starting rate of PHP 90 per hour. Being a teacher in Acadsoc will require you to teach for 6 hours a day minimum. Take note of the freedom to choose your time as it should be according to the available working schedule. In total, you will earn PHP 560 per day and PHP 10,800 per month.

Increasing the hours you teach per day should also grow your income. As you improve your performance through training, you will definitely increase your hourly rate and obtain generous bonuses. Since teaching English online is a remote job, you will not have to allocate a budget for travel, food, and the like. The only expenditure you will have to think of are the utilities that you already pay for.

Control Over Your Schedule

The best thing about remote teaching is whether you are a student, working a part-time or full-time job, you have the opportunity to set your own working hours according to the available time schedule of the company. Usually, the time schedule given by the company depends on where the students are located. With that, you are not bound by the 9 to 5 life.

For those who are working 9 to 5 jobs in the morning, you have the chance to set your time schedule after work hours and still be able to teach for another 4 hours. With a few hours of working comfortably at home, you are earning additional income. On the other hand, teaching hours are customizable to meet your other needs when it comes to family and personal life if you are not working full-time or you work on other freelance jobs.

Work From Anywhere

Regardless of whether you wish to work at home or from anywhere, teaching English online allows you to work at virtually any place you wish to, as long as the space is quiet and free of any excessive noise. Apart from having a quiet space, you also have to consider your internet speed. Many companies require teachers to have at least 10 Mbps upload and download speed. Otherwise, you will definitely have issues connecting well with your students.

Working from home should not only allow you to potentially save money but it also grants you more time for yourself. You will not have to spend the precious hours of your day stuck in traffic. In addition to that, there is more room for you to budget your salary by excluding travel expenses like gas or public transportation fare.

Gain Valuable ESL Teaching Experience

Teaching English online should serve as your springboard if you wish to penetrate the ESL industry abroad and build up your teaching career. Teaching in a physical classroom setting is somewhat comparable to teaching in a virtual learning environment. You are required to hone the same skills that include being able to handle all kinds of students that exhibit different behaviors and learning abilities.

It is Easy to Get Started

The technical requirements for teaching English online are basic ones that you can get at any computer store. Those are the exclusive things that you need to provide for yourself as teaching and learning materials for students are provided by the ESL company. You will not have to devote hours of your time creating lesson plans tailored to the needs and learning capability of each student.

In addition to that, a reliable ESL company will not put you in battle without proper training and gear. You will be subjected to training programs that should assist you to run, especially if you are unfamiliar with the online teaching system.

Key Takeaway

There are different motivating factors for teaching English online but one of the greatest things about it is the freedom it affords anyone. Whether you need it for your application abroad or as a supplemental income, you should not be worried about starting a career in home-based online teaching. With the right set of equipment, great English oral and writing skills, as well as an environment conducive for teaching, you will surely obtain the perfect online teaching job with the best ESL company.

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