Acadsoc Interviews Suggestion

When you apply for a resume on the Acadsoc official website, and your resume meets the requirements of Acadsoc, the next step is to have an interview

First contact is about the background of the applicant.
There are two ways to get interviewed
CALL or AI system.

Always check your email and mobile phone for notification.
Be independent or self-resilient
Create a great impression
Send the requirements on time

Things to prepare for your interview:
1.Research about Acadsoc – it is also part of the assement that you know about the Acadsoc.
2.Rehearse and Practice – don’t memorize your answer but instead record your answer so you can critic yourself.
3.Be on time- be at least five minutes is earlier. If your interviewer did  not show up you can always contact them.
4. Choose a place that is conducive for an interview. Choose a quiet place and use a noise cancellation headset Make sure there is no cluttering.
5.Look professional and Neat
6. Smile and look at the webcam. – a smile shows enthusiasm
7. Be attentive and press mute if needed