Acadsoc, Top Online ESL Company in 2020

The ESL market is heavily saturated with many companies claiming to be the leaders in the industry. Most of the companies are carbon-copies of each other, the differentiating factor being the name. There is much that can be said for not altering a “winning formula”, but in the interests of being ‘the best that there is’, innovation is key.

Acadsoc thrives on innovation – the competitors don’t. The company provides its employees with various teaching platforms such as QQ International, Skype, e-Classroom, and Class-In. This is done to increase the flexibility in instances where a platform is not operating optimally, and for the target market, whose communication relies heavily on QQ International, this is very convenient.

The closest of competitors provide a closed platform, which means that teachers and students use the company’s virtual classroom, and for support, they are directed to third party applications which consume time and often take longer than five minutes to respond to queries.

Acadsoc’s integrated platforms provide for a smooth switch between platforms of teaching and learning – meaning that support queries are attended to in less than two minutes and with less administration.

Remuneration is a very important aspect not only for the companies but for their main assets, being the teachers. For most competitors in the industry, teachers need to have earned a minimum of one hundred US dollars ($100) before their payment is released. If a teacher is fortunate enough to have earned more than this amount, they will only receive their payment during the second week of the following month. That means payment for four weeks takes up to six weeks to be received – a grave inconvenience.

Acadsoc understands this complexity and without any hassles, pays its teachers twice a month (every two weeks) without a minimum earning threshold.

It is a great challenge trying to balance consumer expectations with teachers’ satisfaction and Acadsoc is continuously working on ways to innovate and remain ahead of the rest. This company is changing the way online teaching is conducted.

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